Aug 27, 2007

School Days

I thought I was finished with the "first day of school" problems....NOT My granddaugher, the Bugg, will be riding the bus home three days a week. Today was not only the first day of school but she decided to ride the bus home instead of me picking her up. The bus was to arrive at 5:00....two hours after school is dismissed and I live 5 miles from school. Finally at 5:30 her bus arrives, the driver said she wasn't on his list and he didn't know where to let her off. Positive feelings about the bus service????....don't think so. They need to transfer buses, she transfers from but 17 to bus 7. Both buses come out our way. I guess tomorrow her Mom and the bus barn will have a discussion, especiallly when "Mom" called this afternoon and was hung up on.

Bugg's attitude was fine, glad she wasn't upset. I took her a soft drink in a bag of all melted. Oh well, she's home, been swimming and is doing homework. Guess all is right with the world.

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