Oct 30, 2007

Margaritaville, Jimmy Buffett and Vegas

What a weekend, flew to Vegas and met up with friends. Lunch at Toby Keith's Bar and Grill then to the street party for all the "parrot heads"......LOL Let's just say fun was had by all. Saturday evening we went to the Buffett concert, my 3rd. Two in Vegas and one in Houston. This was the best one so far. He just has a "happy" concert.

On Sunday we ventured out with a rent car and visited Hoover Dam. We did the tour and took lots of pictures. I didn't know that the state line between Nevada and Arizona ran through the center of the dam. So, this was an educational trip.....LOL They are also building a highway bypass to keep through traffic off the dam. The bridge columns are very tall............don't think I would want to drive that bypass.

Monday morning we all headed home, will admit that seeing the green ground in Central Texas was great. The desert is just not my thing but I will visit. We were so busy that we never stopped long enough to hit a slot machine so one can go to Vegas, not gamble and have a good time.

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